Sunday, January 24, 2010

And So It Has Begun

One of the chores both girls have to do on a daily basis is make their beds in the morning some time before we start school. If they complete their task they get 15 cents (I know, I'm generous aren't I?!). This past week Taylin has been making her bed in the morning before she comes out of her room, right when she wakes up. I was a little impressed, thinking she was inspired by her cousin (who helped her out while she visited). I was wrong. Something else inspired her. She asked me, "Mom, if I make my bed right when I get up in the morning, can I get more money?" I had to chuckle. This is the first time she has really asked for more money. I said yes. You have to hand it to her, she didn't just ask for more money for the same job she is doing, she asked for more money if she did a better job than the one she is doing! I guess she is getting some concept down, that there is work related to this money thing (you get what you pay for). So, the rest of this past week she made her bed right when she got up in the morning and she received 20 cents! She also has been going to bed at night and trying to only pull the covers back just enough so that they don't come untucked, but yet she can still slide under them. All I can do is laugh at her young mind at work! I just hope I can mold it in the right direction.

1 comment:

Zoe@WelcometomyMother'Hood said...

Hilarious. Carys does the same thing with her bed. trying not to mess it up but only to freeze at night b/c she won't get under the covers. Oh what will we do huh?