Thursday, July 2, 2009

Swim Lessons!

We decided that this year was a must for Taylin to really learn how to swim and get over some of the fears she has, so the girls have been taking swim lessons! Before they started their lessons Taylin would not jump into the water to me or put her face into the water, she would only swim to me from about seven feet even though I knew she was fully capable of doing more. It amazes me what a complete stranger can accomplish with my kids over me. Their swim instructor now has Taylin swimming (dog paddling) all by herself all over the pool, jumping in all by herself, floating, and diving under water and retrieving toys, and starting to swim with her face in the water and pulling her arms out to swim (freestyle)! All after two weeks! Rayna is doing well too, but she did not have any fear issues to start with, she has always been my one I have to keep an eye because she has no fear and needs some (the instructor found that out on the first day of swim lessons)! Rayna is starting to learn to float all by herself and do a little bit of dog paddling, but she needs to get her muscles up first, but she was always the first one wanting to try anything!

Playing Redlight, Greenlight with kicking!

1 comment:

carol said...

What great swimmers we have!Gma Carol