Here is just a handful of things the girls have said lately that I don't want to forget (I'm really good at forgetting if I don't take the time to write them down).
The kids and I were out on a walk around the neighborhood on probably one of our last nice days before winter strikes. I desperately needed some air and vitamin D (for some reason three kids and homeschooling keeps pushing me over the top). For most of the time the girls were racing ahead and I was playing catch up. But towards the end of our walk, Rayna started to lag behind. I overheard her talking to herself. She said, "Oh wow, look at that bird. He's almost as high as heaven!" Too sweet. I would love to just freeze her and keep her that sweet!
While we were eating lunch together as a family, Daniel asked the girls what they learned in school that day. The girls sat for a little bit, and Taylin didn't really want to tell what she learned but Rayna started chiming in. She said,"We learned about fish, and dogs, and cows, and birds, and..." "We learned about animal homes?" I reminded her. "Yeah," she replied. Trying to get Taylin to talk, Daniel asked her again what she learned. She still was not very willing to share, so Rayna stepped right in for her. "Taylin was reading. She was doing a great job reading." Taylin got a big grin on her face and just started beaming. It looks like it has officially started. Little sister is in awe of big sister and big sister is proud to lead the way. I can remember being in those same shoes, and I was the little sister who was star struck by my older sister.
During school time Taylin asked me if Jaden was learning to read in heaven. "I don't know, he might already know how to read. He is six you know, so he's a little older than you. But maybe when you go to heaven you already know that stuff," I told her. "What do you think he does all day?" She asked. "I don't know that either, but maybe he plays just like you do," I responded. Rayna decided to join the conversation and asked, "Do you think he has to go to the bathroom?" Amused at her question, I said, "Well, he might, but maybe in heaven God has made our bodies perfect so that we don't have to go to the bathroom anymore." With a serious look on her face she replied,"Yeah, because that wouldn't be good if we had to go to the bathroom there." Hopefully, I haven't some how traumatized my child in going to the bathroom for her to think about it so much, but I have to honestly say I don't think I have ever pondered that thought before!
While over hearing Daniel and I talk about kids, Taylin stated that she wanted 40 kids when she grows up. "Wow," I said. "No, I don't think I could really handle that many kids. That would be too many," she stated. "Yeah, I can barely handle three," I told her. "But, Mom, God is raising one of yours." She stated. With smiles on both of Daniels and my face, I told her, "you are right." I can always count on Taylin to never forget her brother. Even in times when I don't expect her to remember him, she always does. She loves to bring him up and to talk about him. I won't lie, there are times when I think she makes it harder for me, but most of the time it brings a ray of sunshine to my heart. I love that she loves him.