While we were in San Diego we had a fun day at the San Diego Zoo. It was beautiful weather and we enjoyed viewing lots of animals.
I was attempting to get all of the kids with this giant polar bear statue, but it didn't go so well. With the other people around and the attitudes of my children, this is what I came up with. Oh, well.

A moment with Rayna while waiting for Daniel to bring our picnic for lunch.

Some of the animals.

We all got a kick out of an orangutan that we found chewing gum. He was pulling it out of his mouth and stretching it and then putting it on his nose. It was actually very entertaining to watch him. To bad I was so entertained that I didn't even think about taking a picture of him!

Rayna was so excited to see the Panda bear, but by the time we finally got there she was passed out and I couldn't wake her up. It was a very full day!

But face paintings always make up for disappointments! I think this was the highlight of the girls trip to the zoo.

Rayna was right at home in the petting zoo.

Tobyn was a little shy at first, but he warmed up.

Taylin on the other hand, never quite got over the smell!

An attempt at a partial family photo.

This was a Point Loma's lighthouse. It was very cool and fun for the kids to walk through.

It was rather cold that day! Daddy's trying to keep them warm!

The fog did burn off while we were still up there, and we got quite the view of the San Diego Harbor.

We liked the old fashion ship in the background.

In Monterey, we were able to see a portion of Daniel's family. One of the nights we celebrated Shawn's (our brother-n-law) and Daniel's birthday. It was quite fun and great food thanks to his sister Christine! So, here is a picture of the birthday boys, their cakes, and of course all the kiddos!

I always got to get a picture of the brothers. They have a strange, unique, loving relationship that I guess only brothers get!

Lovings with Daddy!

Little Jude loving his desert!

Sweet Carys!

Baylie being nice to Auntie to stop to pose for a picture, but really she just wanted to eat her cake! But hey, can you blame her?

Even though your on vacation, you can't forget your Sunday afternoon siesta!

The Phillips boys with their grandma!

How sweet the girls were! And how instantaneously they were best friends!

Auntie Zoe won over everyone with a fun girly time with nails and make up!

"Come on!" says Jude!

Tobyn getting friendly with Grandma Victoria.

Grandpa Luke spoiling the girls.

Tobyn became pretty friendly with everyone, but he really took a liking to Grandpa Luke. He was his bud!
It's always sad to leave good company. We hope we'll be able to go back sooner than later!